072: Danny Archer - On Target

Danny Archer sat down for a nice chat during his recent lecture tour.  Danny is another one of the really nice guys in magic who has a  creative mind and an excellent head for business. Here he talks about  his Magicians' Lecture Network that he used to run. Danny and his  business partner, Robert Allen, were the ones who also put together LVMI  (Las Vegas Magic Invitational) and later the Coin-vention (a one time  event) which were the progenitors to the MINDvention (which will be coming up in Las Vegas on November 11-13, 2012).

Danny  regularly performs at two high end restaurants in Vail, Colorado. He  alternates with magician Dan Fleshman appearing one week at the Vail Chophouse and the following week at the Beaver Creek Chophouse. He talked a little about how he and Dan Fleshman got that engagement.

Danny  talked about the development of his performing character, Gino  Mozzarella, and how important it is to have a separate character so you  can book additional shows. The insight he shares on this subject are  fascinating and a "must hear" for any magician who is looking tor an  additional stream of revenue.

At around 38 minutes into this  podcast, Danny also shared the secret of a great little impromptu  mentalism effect using your business cards. This drawing duplication  effect is called "Drawn Again" that is straight from his lecture and  explained here on The Magic Word.

Danny Archer - On Target
Scott Wells with Danny Archer

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057: Joe Givan & Carol Massie - Theatre of Dreams

While on a recent visit in Colorado, I had a chance to stop by Castle Rock to visit my good friends, Joe Givan and Carol Massie at their Theatre of Dreams. For the past few summers they have added a Wizards Camp to their regular schedule and I happened to catch them at the end of one of the camp days. We chatted with a couple of the students as well as Carol who told us a lot about the camp and its curriculum. Carol and Joe also gave us a look behind the creation and growth of the Theatre. The conversation veered off into several different directions including a short talk about their artist friend, Rodney Wood, whose art hangs on the walls of the threatre.

Our conversation was briefly but pleasantly "interrupted" with cell phone calls by Chip Romero and later by Oscar Munoz. Oscar called in to give an update on the I.B.M. contests from the recent convention in Norfolk, VA. As the Contest Chairman for the I.B.M. (and past winner of the Gold Cups), Oscar had a lot to say. And when combined with the comments from Joe Givan, another I.B.M. Gold Cup winner (as well as a F.I.S.M. winner), a lively conversation ensued. There is a lot of good advice in their conversation for people who want to compete as well as suggestions for being a better stage performer, too.

I am confident that you will enjoy this very unique podcast.

Joe Givan & Carol Massie - Theatre of Dreams
Scott Wells with Joe Givan ad Carol Massie

Download a MP3 file of this podcast by Clicking Here then right click to save the file. You can also download the MP3 media file directly from the RSS feed by Clicking Here.

Colorado or Bust

Joe Givan and Carol Massie have been creating dreams for several decades, but their Theatre of Dreams only became a reality in the 21st century.

Together they operate the Theatre in the small town of Castle Rock snuggeled halfway between Denver and Colorado Springs (about 25 miles north or south). Their theatre hosts nothing but the top names in magical entertainment like Bob Sheets, Banachek, Paul Gertner, Steve Bargatze and more. They draw local crowds during weekend shows plus they are open for corporate meetings, sales seminars, and more.
But they have recently been teaching a whole new crop of young magicians at their summer Wizards Camp. For more information of the camp, dates and prices, check out the website for the Theatre of Dreams at: http://www.amazingshows.com
Take a tour of the Theatre of Dreams in this short video. Here you will see the inside and backstage of all its workings. And for more information on the surreal pictures that adorn the walls, be sure to check out the artist's website at: http://www.rodneywood.com

And while I was in Colorado Springs, I took a little time to visit the fire ravaged area in one of the residential sub-divisions. You can see the scorched earth and remains of some of the homes that were left behind in the destruction of an entire community. But the spirit of the city and its residents was evident in their strong support of one another and of their love and appreciation for the firefighters who saved their homes. Some firefighters stated that they have never seen such an outpouring of love and appreciation by any other community than here in Colorado Springs. Our hearts and our prayers go out to those who have lost so much. And the world owes gratitude to the heroes who risked their lives on the front lines of this fire.