Paul Romhany is the editor of VANISH Magazine, the largest digital magic magazine in the world with over 100,000 subscribers per month. Perhaps it is not only because of the outstanding content, but also because it is totally FREE! Paul is a transplanted New Zealander who is now a permanent resident of Canada.
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:02:33 - Paul talks about working on cruise ships and his book about "cat readings" (based on reading a cat's paw print), working with and being inspired by Chuck Jones and Ricky Dunn, and developing his stage character of "Charlie Chaplin".
00:28:54 - a word from our sponsor, The Great American Magic Company
00:34:23- Paul continues with our chat as he talks about VANISH Magazine
01:04:46 - Part One of a product product review for a 4 DVD set called "Ole!" by Juan Luis Rubiales. This review is for Disc One.
01:11:03 - Product review of Disc Two of "Ole!"
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