As creative magicians, we should always look to other creative types outside our art to see what “makes them tick.” I recently traveled to Las Vegas and sat down in the home of the number one leading artist in worldwide sales, Michael Godard. As stated on his website, the decision to become a full-time painter came later in his life, after stints as a mechanical engineer, commercial illustrator, caricature artist and successful entrepreneur. Nothing came easy…he fought his way into an art career, inventing his own one-of-a-kind style. His martini art features olives, grapes and other frisky characters busily expressing Godard's slightly off-kilter point of view. With plenty of talent to challenge the 'serious' artists, Michael Godard took his own path instead, and chose to "learn all the rules, and then break them".
During our conversation on The Magic Word Podcast, Michael Godard was a wonderful guest and he gave us a tour of his mansion.
“G” as he likes to be called by his friends, has earned this reputation through hard work and an original brand and an incredible eye for marketing. I thought it would be interesting to see what makes an artist “tick” and what spurs his creative juices and see what similarities we as magicians have with our performing art to what he as an illustrative artist does. We had a fun and enlightening conversation that will surely inspire you to be more creative, too.
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