San Fransisco street magician, Ryan Kane, works out his show and his scripting on the streets before he puts them in his professional shows for corporate audiences. He also consciously works on identifying, eliminating and replacing his “stock” lines. As a result of his many years of experience, he has recently published a book “Out of Stock - A Magician’s Guide to Writing Your Own Lines”. This week Ryan shares the outline of his book and how you can improve your show by working on your script to become unique and in demand. He fives his five step process that is well worth your consideration.
Hack Lines: A joke that has been frequently used by comedians or Magicians in the past, (Including the both of us!!!) and is blatantly stolen from its original author. Short for"hackneyed" meaning over used, cheapened, or trite. (This definition was blatantly stolen from Wikipedia)
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of his book, then please consider going through the Amazon Affiliate link at the bottom of this page. Just click on the Amazon Affiliate logo and you will be magically transported to your personal Amazon account. By doing this, you will also help support The Magic Word Podcast with your purchases.
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