This week’s episode came about thanks to the suggestion of a listener who asked that we have a conversation about being a part time performer while still holding down a full time job outside of magic. Jamie Salinas is just the perfect person I know who is a successful businessman, husband, father and performer. In addition to all of that, he is also a magic inventor, dealer, videographer and producer.
Award Winning Magician, Jamie Salinas performed his magic at the Big Blue Whale Toys and Curiosities located in Houston, Texas on 19h street in the Heights for their fourth anniversary celebration. For more information about the store, visit
In this episode of “The Art of Magic”, Jamie Salinas discuses how Groundhog Day is important to magic. More specifically, the movie is related to magic. Learn some tips to improve your show.
In this week’s episode Jamie talks about balancing all of that and Scott Wells also talks about making the transition from having an occupation outside magic and transitioning into being a full-time magician.
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