Why are magicians fascinated by playing cards? This week week have two separate conversations with two diverse people (one a creator and the other a collector) from two sides of the planet. Jack Brutus Penny is from England but lives in Japan where he is a teacher by day and a writer and playing card designer by night. Back in the U.S., Shaun Rivera is a magician in America’s heartland (Kansas City) who has a passion for collecting playing cards. This week the creator collides with the collector in an episode where we explore how cards are developed all the way to the retail buyer/collector.
For more information on Jack Penny’s Kickstarter campaign, please visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jackbrutuspenny/sensu
This week’s podcast episode on YouTube.
Jack Brutus Penny starts off our episode this week talking about the development, design and thought that goes into creating a new playing card. He talks about the card stock, printing, design, and marketing of his playing card creations that gives us some real insight into what goes into bringing these beautiful cards to collectors. Next we hear from Shaun Rivera who has amassed a collection of over 5,000 decks of playing cards. Find out this week how he started and why he continues his “obsession.”
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