As we prepare for yet another (and hopefully last) online convention, we chat with three of the people “behind the scenes” who are making this happen. Glenn Brown is the Registration person and the two main organizers of this virtual convention are Michel lHuot, from Canada, and Rune Carlsen, from Norway. This episode will hopefully whet your appetite for the “fork full of magic” that will be presented this weekend.
Watch our Zoom conversations of today’s episode on YouTube.
Time stamps for this podcast:
00:03:39 - Glenn Brown tells us why we are meeting yet again for another virtual convention and he also tells us who will be “in charge” since Obie O’Brien has passed away.
00:16:53 -Michel Huot and Rune Carlsen will be the two people “behind the scenes” making all of the virtual magic work. They also give us a rundown of what we might expect this weekend.
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