The goals and objectives of The Magic Word Podcast is not to chase current news nor necessarily get involved in controversy. That being said, magic exposure is something that’s been going on since the inception of our craft as a performing art. Attention on “how we do it” rises and fades from time to time and several times within one generation. Magic exposure is a relevant topic of conversation and one that is often publicly discussed in committee meetings of international magic organizations and local clubs just as it is privately talked about among and between magicians.
Murray Sawchuck recently made a “splash” in the magic community with his exposure of a couple tricks that has some magicians buzzing. This week, Murray defends his position and talks about what he has done and why he did (does) it.
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Murray is unapologetic in his “exposure” of magic and has reasons why what he does is not exposure, according to his definition. He has revealed “how tricks are done” on his social media and in his shows for many years. But now that he is an “influencer” and reached a level of success and notoriety in the magic community, what he does is seen by more people.
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