Giovanni Livera won the I.B.M. Gold Cups close-up award in 1991. But he was a force to be reckoned with even before then. From the Florida area, Gio has worked with Tim Glancy who, between the two of them, developed the “t-shirt cannon” that is used to this day in stadiums and ball fields and concerts across the land. In recent decades, Gio has developed a successful speaking platform that has taken him before some of the most prestigious corporate giants in the industry. Always keeping his eye and passion on magic, he returns to perform at the Magic Castle now and again. It is always a treat to see and hear this “larger than life” man tell his stories and give life advice.
While recently visiting Los Angeles, California, Gio sat down for a reunion with his friend, Scott Wells, to catch up on old times and tell us what he’s been doing and where he’s going. We talk about speaking engagements, trade shows, working with executives, developing a brand, finding your voice/message, and ways that you can “live to be 1,000 years old.”
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The I.B.M. International convention takes place July 10-13, 2024 in Tacoma, Washington. Register today at: