Time stamps for this episode:
00:00:17 – David Kaye, aka Silly Billy, was staying at the same hotel where I was, so we were able to chat about his experience of this event versus others. This is the only magic convention where he is a dealer, so he has a unique perspective. You can learn more about David from our conversation in Episode #567.
00:11:06 - Darryl Rose, from London, often attends this conventions and tells us what he most enjoys this year, like the Jonathan Goodwin lecture. You can hear more about Darryl in our conversation in Episode #558.
00:25:40 - From Charleston, South Caroline, Howard Blackwell, talks about his company that produced silicone manipulation balls. He has a business for sale if someone is willing to put some effort into an already successful product.
00:34:58 - Peter Nardi, with Alakazam, has been coming to Blackpool for about 24 years and gives us his perspective of the changes over the years.
00:45:12 - Jonathan Goodwin was one of the outstanding lectures of this convention. He was inspiring and gave us all a lot to consider for our own shows. We chat in this short chat about some of his philosophy of whether audiences believe the artist is in jeopardy. To hear more about Jonathan (prior to his tragic accident and just before the COVID lockdown), I think you will enjoy listening to our in-depth conversation in Episode #553
00:52:42 - Hannah Ammar is helping her husband, Michael, and tells us why she enjoy magic conventions in general and Blackpool in particular. Michael also joins us towards the end of this chat. You can hear more from Michael in our conversation in Episode #259.
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