047: Aaron Fisher on Creativity, Passion, and Coaching

Aaron Fisher, author of the best-selling book, “The Paper Engine – Tension, Focus and Design in Card Magic” (and a serious "Dead Head", too), recently heeded the beckoning call to “Head East, young man” as he traveled from the Left Coast to re-establish residency on the East Coast. Along the way, he lectured to well over a dozen cities leaving a tsunami of better equipped and more knowledgeable magicians in his wake.

While in Houston, he visited with me and talked about his creative climb to become a complete card conjurer. He discussed his growth path, his mentors and teachers, his pursuit of his passion and his creative process. There is a lot of good stuff and good advice and good morsels that will help anyone who is interested in our craft.

For more information on Aaron Fisher, please visit his website at: http://www.AaronFisherMagic.com/

Aaron Fisher on Creativity, Passion and Coaching
Scott Wells

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