058: Abbott's Get Together Day 0 - 2012

It was a bright, cheerful sunny day as I arrived in Colon, Michigan for the 75th annual Abbott's Get Together. After checking in at the motel in nearby Sturgis (there are no motels in Colon), I traveled to "Blackstone Island" where I had been invited to a little "night before" party hosted by David Seebach. Among the guests, I had a chance to visit with Adele Friel Rhindress, perhaps better known as the woman who was the "Elusive Moth" in Blackstone's famous illusion. She traveled with the Blackstone show for the last two seasons. I found it interesting that she had not returned to this idyllic spot since 1948, nearly 65 years ago.

I also had a short chat with the owner of Abbott's Magic Factory and organizer of the Get Together, Greg Bordner. And of course we talked with our host for the evening, David Seebach.

Day 0 - 2012 Abbott's Get Together
Scott Wells

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