059: Abbott's Get Together Day 1 - 2012

The convention opened with the "Open Colon" for a dedicated bunch of golfers. Of course not everyone is a golfer so many people milled around town, picked up their registration packets, visited the dealers both inside and out, then attended the first official lecture of the day, a lecture by Gabe Fajuri on the history of Abbott's Magic Company. I did not know that Percy Abbott started in Australia but there were many fascinating things I learned.

But my wandering Blue Microphone was placed in front of a few interesting people including Al the Only (organizer of the Open Colon Golf Tourney), Brian Miller, President of the British Ring (the world's largest I.B.M. Ring with over 1,000 members), and John Sturk who spoke about busking at the Get Together.

Day 1 - 2012 Abbott's Get Together
Scott Wells

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