062: Abbott's Get Together Day 4 - 2012

Just before the final evening show, we got an inside wrap up the 75th Get-Together with owner and organizer, Greg Bordner. The information for next year's Get-Together is already posted at: http://magicgettogether.com/ Following the show and the awards presentation at the elementary school, the group continued the reverie in the village.

I caught up with Stan Allen who talked about this Get-Together, MAGIC Live! and the Essential Magic Conference. We recorded this chat with Stan outside the Legion Hall in hopes that it would be much quieter. Indeed it was; however, the wind picked up and there is some wind noise in this part of the podcast. Please forgive the poor quality of the recording of this chat, but I decided to leave it in because of the quality of the discussion. For dates, registration and more information on MAGIC Live!, visit: http://www.magicmagazine.com/live/

Before we called it a night, I talked with Al the Only and Don Wiberg who together gave a nice wrap and overview of the entire convention. Then just before we signed off, Dana Daniels came out of the Legion Hall so we got to chat with him about him winning the Senator Clark Crandall Comedy Award for Excellence, his "No Show Show" and his future. For information on booking Dana, you can find more information at: http://danadaniels.com/Dana_Daniels.html

Day 4 - 2012 Abbott's Get Together
Scott Wells

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