055: Bond on Bond...Trixie Bond

While enjoying the hospitality over the weekend with Trixie Bond and her husband, Mark, at their riverside residence in Burnet, Texas, I sat down for a few lovely martinis and a thoroughly enjoyable conversation about her life, her cooking, her creativity, her best and worst shows, and her inspiration for what made Trixie the best children's entertainer in the world. Food is one of my life's true enjoyments, if not passions, and it was fun to share the microphone with someone who perhaps loves food more than me. She will soon be seen on a new television PBS series called "Down To Earth". The correct website you can visit is http://thedowntoearthblog.blogspot.com/ where you can watch for her upcoming appearance. For specific information on Trixie, her products, and more, you can visit her website at: http://www.TrixieBond.com/

Trixie talked about her radio talk show on food plus, of course, her lifelong passion for magic. Among other topics, it was interesting to hear her talk about the importance of having an assistant if you want to be financially successful in the kid biz. Whether or not you are a children's show entertainer, I think you will enjoy my chat with Trixie Bond at her home, Chateau du Magique.

Bond on Bond...Trixie Bond
Scott Wells and Trixie Bond

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