More fun and more magic than you can shake a wand at, Day three saw a few more people arrive for the weekend and the afternoon and evening shows were outstanding with many acts that drew standing ovations.
The official activities on the morning began with the Pat Page Memorial Workshop, hosted by Mike Powers, that featured "Tricks from Before 1950". For a PDF of the tricks taught, you can Click Here to read it all. The afternoon show, "World Gala Sho" was hosted by Buddy Farnan, followed by the second afternoon show, "4F Friends, Old and New", emceed by Oscar Munoz. The evening show "Friday's Finger Flicking Frolic" compered by Meir Yedid. The evening's show was divided into two parts with a brief intermission that was punctuated by repeated standing ovation. There was no lecture during the day' however, lots of learning went on everywhere throughout the hotel.
Time codes for this podcast:
00:00:15 - FISM Winner, Soma from Hungary, gives us an update on the status of his book about using music. We last talked in Bristol on May 13, 2013. This will be an invaluable source for all magicians from close-up to stage.
00:10:35 - Rocco returned to the F.F.F.F. after a four year hiatus while he has been performing all over the world. Rocco talks about his experiences working at the Crazy Horse in Paris to theaters in Russia, China and many other places around the world. Rocco will be delivering what may well be his last lecture ever. on Penguin coming this July. More details at Penguin Magic. Rocco also talks about his D'Lites and the future of his products. One such product is his stage version of Slydini's jumbo Linking Safety Pins, among other items available through his website at or By the way, the magician from Spain that Rocco and I talked about was Mario Lopez from Spain.
00:28:48 - Guest of Honor, Shawn Farquhar, talks about his many contests he has competed in over the years and the multitude of awards he has received. Shawn will be the incoming International President of the I.B.M. later this summer (at the combined I.B.M. and S.A.M. convention). Here he talks about what he plans to do during his term in office.
00:50:50 - Richard Hatch, formerly of H&R Magic Books, talks about his recent injury and recovery following a fall that resulted in some stitches (thanks, Raj Madhok, for removing them here at the convention).
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Ouke performed this yo-yo act and received a well deserved standing ovation (this YouTube video was not taken at the F.F.F.F. convention).