051: F.F.F.F. 2012 - Day Three

Another full day (and night) of non-stop, world class, innovative magic was in store for all the attendees on Friday. The day started with mild snow flurries but it did not deter a hearty band of golfers who regularly play in the frigid weather at the F.F.F.F. annual tournament. But my first chat on the podcast of the day was immediately before and after the Mathieu Bich lecture. Long time attendee Dick Cook, from Ohio, told me a couple funny stories from his attendance at the Columbus MagiFest.

I then caught up with the Man of the Hour, Guest of Honor, David Stone. I caught him when there was no one else around him in the otherwise jam-packed lobby between events. We got to chat about his experience at the F.F.F.F. as well as his take on creativity and what his long term plans are in magic and, well, maybe the movies.

The day quickly slipped past me and before I knew it, it was dinner time. I dined with Chris Capeheart and Ice McDonald who shared some stories and experiences with me. Then to round out the day, I sat down with Mark Leveridge, from England, after the final show. He talked about his bi-monthly publication, MagicSeen Magazine, the Magazine for Magicians and Mentalists. More information at http://www.magicseen.co.uk/ It was interesting to get his take on the English economy, conventions, and publications in the U.K. as they directly impact the English magic community.

Day 3 - 2012 F.F.F.F.
Scott Wells

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