Francis Menotti is a most interesting and refreshing magician. It is hard to put a label on Francis (mentalist, magician, script writer, artist, or ???). Perhaps he is an enigma from the Renaissance. I almost entitled this podcast as "From a Tangential Mind" because we went off in so many directions during this podcast. Certainly when there is no direction or script, it is easy to get off target. But then again, if there is no target, then how can you veer from it? Hmm. I think you're starting to get the idea.
Francis recently passed through Houston on a nationwide lecture tour and stopped to chat about his magic and his philosophy. It is hard to quantify Francis and for those who haven't heard of him before, then you will get a better picture of the inner workings of a "mind constantly at work" in this podcast.
Francis Menotti's Close Up Act at the Magic Castle, 2008
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This discussion covers a lot of territory from stage performance, to lighting the audience, script writing, structuring a show, philosophy, theory, audience management, volunteer selection, handling butterflies, and so much more. Francis touches on Schroedinger's Cat with a brief explanation, but you can get the one minute education in the video embedded in this blog.
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