091: My Morning with Murray - Part One

When Murray Hatfield visited Houston during his lecture tour across the U.S., I was honored to have him as a guest in my home. Following his lecture we returned to my house to continue in more detail some of the interesting topics he discussed during the course of his lecture. We spoke well into the wee hours of the morning as we talked about his life of being a touring magician and the evolution of the "phone room" business and brick-and-mortar magic shops among so many other topics. By the way, be sure to congratulate him on the upcoming birth of his first child. We can only guess what his name will be even though there is a suggested moniker as the boy's nickname in this podcast.

Murray is not one to hold back any punches or secrets. In fact, he proclaims that he suffers from "T.M.E." (Too Much Explanation) which is why his lectures usually go on for some time (reminiscent to me of Harry Lorayne). I had intended for this podcast to last about one hour but when it was all said and done (literally), I decided to break it up into two parts. It's easier to eat an elephant one bite at a time.

So with that brief introduction, I present to you Part One of My (Early) Morning with Murray.

My Morning with Murray - Part One
Scott Wells

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