067: T.A.O.M. Day 1 in Houston, TX

The 66th edition of the Texas Association of Magicians (TAOM) convention in Houston, Texas is underway at the Hilton Americas Hotel. President Daniel Garcia and his team (led by Chairman, Alex Rangel) have put together a great line-up of talent that most people would never expect outside of Las Vegas or come other mega-convention. Aside from the stellar line-up that the team has put together, many of Daniel's friends are just coming to hang out. I have seen Bill Kalush and Carl Heine and Rico de la Vega, just to name a very few. And I noticed on the schedule that Rudy Coby has been added back in the line-up. He is slated to close the Sunday night stage show. I would not be surprised to see David Blaine show up. I'm not saying he will...I'm just saying that I wouldn't be surprised. It's just that kind of very, very cool convention. It already has a great vibe. I can tell now that this will certainly be one for the record books.

It is not too late to travel to Houston and register for this convention as there is a ton of great magic yet to be seen. All the details, schedule, list of performers and more can be found at http://www.TAOM2012.com/ If you cannot make it for the whole convention, then there are daily tickets available plus there will be public tickets available for the Saturday and Sunday night shows. Tickets can be purchased at http://www.TopTalentProductions.com/

This brief intro to the TAOM includes a chat with Treasurer, Dick Olson, who was helping with the registration. Then we went back stage prior to the stage contest to talk to some of the contestants and Jamie Salinas, Contest Chairman. This is a little different angle than we have taken in the past, but this is the first year the TAOM has ever offered a cash award for the winner. And we're talking $5,000 in cash!

Day 1 - 2012 T.A.O.M. in Houston, TX
Scott Wells

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