017: The Lost Episodes, Jan. 9, 2011 - Houston Magicians Annual Party

Gene Protas (creator of the Banachek-Protas Psi Kalc) and his wife, Betty, host a post-holiday party in their home each year with an open invitation to all local and visiting magicians. This was an episode that was destined for, but never posted on, The Magic Newswire. Hence the reason this is another of the "Lost Episodes". Although this party took place over eight months ago when the weather was much cooler, it has some interesting and rather eerie conversations.

We talk with Alex Rangel, Daniel Garcia and Banachek about their New Year's Resolutions, new projects they are working on in 2011 and "upcoming" convention and lecture appearances. There are also some voices and shout-outs from Dennis Castro, Bruce Chadwick and Cherie Kaye.

There is a rather unsettling chat with John Star with a foreboding report on the declining health of Terry Seabrooke who passed away just two days after this interview. You can read the obituary I wrote for my dear friend at: http:bit.ly/mPNNoAz I have posted a website with some of my photos I took of Terry at www.ScottWells.com/Seabrooke.htm

This is followed with an interview with Michael Satterwhite who was an integral part of our Young Magicians' Program and was named Houston's "Magician of the Year" for 2008. He also performed for many years at the Renaissance Festival in Magnolia, TX (just outside of Houston) as the magical Cardinal Wolsey. Michael unexpectedly passed away two months later in early March.

Trixie Bond wraps up the podcast with her reflections on performing for children over the years, the development of her "Mary Poppins" character and her future direction in magic. Fortunately, she is still alive and well.

The Lost Episodes - Houston Magicians' Holiday Party
Scott Wells

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